
Pontrhondda Primary School

Y Bont i Lwyddiant / The Bridge to Success


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Fundraise for us through your Asda shopping 🙏🏽

    Mon 02 Sep 2024

    We have registered for the Cash pot for schools scheme at ASDA!!

    If you have an ASDA rewards account please select cash pots in the app, opt in to school cash pots, choose a specific school, enter our postcode CF40 2SZ or type in Pontrhondda Primary.  You will help us raise money every time you shop! 

    (Then you can simply scan your rewards card each time you shop and Asda will donate to our pot at no extra cost to you!) 


    Find out more here: Asda Cashpot

  • Important Dates

    Mon 08 Jul 2024
  • Whole School trip to Folly farm

    Mon 20 May 2024

    Dear Parents,


    We are looking to arrange a whole school trip to Folly Farm on Monday July 1st.  Previously, a trip like this would be heavily subsidised by the school.  Unfortunately, due to cuts in funding, we will not be able to do that this year. 


    We need to have a fairly accurate idea of numbers to be able to cost the trip.  Entrance to Folly Farm is £7.50 and the cost of the bus will be a maximum of £15 but this will depend on numbers.  We aren’t allowed to make a profit on school trips so any charge would be influenced by the number of pupils attending.


    In order to have definite numbers, we ask for a £10 deposit per family and could we please be informed of any pupils definitely NOT attending.  Deposits are non-refundable, must be paid online and will need to be paid by Friday June 7th to guarantee a place.


    Pay deposits online here


  • Comic Relief 15th March, Funny Hair Day

    Thu 14 Mar 2024

    Please donate  here: Comic Relief Just Giving Page

  • Estyn Inspection 5-8th February

    Tue 23 Jan 2024

    We are having an inspection on the 5th - 8th February.  Please see parents leaflet for more details and complete the parent questionnaire by 11am January 28th.

  • Home to School transport Policy Consultation

    Fri 19 Jan 2024

    The Council agreed to carry out a consultation to review its current Home to School Transport provision for children and young people in Rhondda Cynon Taf. The proposal sets out a new Home to School Transport Policy, which maintains certain discretionary transport provision and provide mainstream English, Welsh and Faith primary school, secondary school and college transport in line with relevant statutory distance criteria. Any new policy would be implemented from the start of the 2025/2026 academic year.

    The consultation originally ran from 27th November 2023 until 5pm 8th January 2024.

    The Council recognises the significance of the proposal for pupils who use and will use home to school transport now or in the future, and the extended consultation provides a further opportunity for those potentially impacted to take part in the consultation. The Council has therefore taken the decision to extend the consultation for a further three week period running from Thursday 18th January 2024 until 5pm Thursday 8th February 2024.

    The details of the proposal and the opportunity to respond to the consultation can be found at: Consultation on the Council's Home to School Transport Policy | Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (

    There is no need for anyone who has previously taken part in this consultation to submit a further response unless they wish to do so.

  • After School Clubs Spring Term

    Tue 16 Jan 2024

    After School Clubs will restart Tuesday 23rd January with Football (KS2) and Expressive Arts (FP)

  • Christmas Concerts Arrangements

    Tue 12 Dec 2023

    Both Christmas concerts are whole school concerts and will take place in the theatre of Coleg Y cymoedd.  The entrance is in the first building on your right as you enter the college campus.  Please note the doors open at 1:45pm on Wednesday and 3:15pm on Thursday.  The children will be taken from school to the college for both performances but will need to be collected from the school to go home.


    All children will be taken back to school to be changed after both performances.  Please pick up your child/children from their usual pick up point at school at 3:30pm on Wednesday and 4:45pm on Thursday.  Don't worry if you have more than one child, pick up the youngest first please.  


    Please bring some change as we will have raffle tickets on sale for £1 a strip and some Christmas cushions, that our coffee morning crafters have made, at £3 for a small or £5 for large.

  • Breakfast Club Provision Consultation

    Tue 28 Nov 2023

    Consultation Relating to the Continuation of Free Breakfast Club Provision and the Proposed Introduction of a Charge for the Additional Childcare Element Rhondda Cynon Taf Council is facing significant financial challenges, with a potential £85M shortfall in funding predicted over the next three years. The situation requires the Council to consider a range of options to deliver the essential savings necessary to help deliver a legally balanced budget for 2024/25. Breakfast clubs play an important part in the life of schools in Rhondda Cynon Taf and ensure not only good nutrition and a positive start to the school day, but an opportunity for social interaction and improved engagement with education. Nevertheless, the cost of providing breakfast club provision has increased by nearly £400k over the past 5 years and the Bank of England has forecast that high inflation rates will continue for the next few years, and increased food, staffing, transport, and energy costs are also predicted. On Monday 20th November 2023, the Council considered a report to consult with key stakeholders on the proposed introduction of a charge for the additional childcare element, which will be available prior to the commencement of free breakfast club provision. The proposed daily charge is £1, rounded down to £60 per term (£180 per annum). Eligible Free School Meal (eFSM) pupils would be exempt from any charge, and it is proposed that the additional income generated from the proposals will be ring fenced and reinvested back into school budgets. Consideration will also be given as to whether further concessions from the proposed charge should be provided, for example, a potential cap applied to parents/carers with more than one child making use of the provision. To: Service User Fy nghyf: My Ref: LK Eich Cyf: Your Ref: Dyddiad: Date: 28 th November 2023 2 To be fully informed, the Council are requesting to seek views on the proposed changes and charges to the breakfast club provision. A public consultation will be undertaken, commencing on 27th November 2023, and ending on 8th January 2024, with current service users and other stakeholders. I would be grateful if you could take a few minutes of your time to complete the consultation survey, which can be found at Current Consultations | Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council ( The information you provide will be treated as confidential and anonymous. Your data will not be shared with anyone outside of the Council. You can email us at or you can write to us at:- Freepost RSBU-HJUK-LSSS Public Relations & Strategy The Pavilions Cambrian Industrial Park Clydach Vale Tonypandy CF40 2XX If you would prefer to speak to someone to provide your views, please telephone 01443 425014 between 9:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. You are welcome to communicate with us in Welsh and this will not lead to a delay.

  • Schools Essentials Grant Information

    Tue 14 Nov 2023

    School Essentials Grant


    The School Essentials Grant is available to children and young people eligible for means-tested free school meals, Children Looked After and those who are classed as No Recourse to Public Funds in year groups Reception to Year 11.

    Some families may not be aware that financial support is available to help with the cost of school essentials like uniform (including coat and shoes), PE kit, and stationery.

    Eligible families can apply for a grant of:

    • £125 per learner
    • £200 for learners entering year 7 (to help with increased costs associated with starting secondary school)

    Families are only entitled to claim once per child, per school year.

    The 2023 to 2024 scheme will remain open until 31 May 2024. Please check your eligibility for this support and apply via this link.


    If you have any issues with the application process, please email:
