
Pontrhondda Primary School

Y Bont i Lwyddiant / The Bridge to Success


Christmas Concerts Arrangements

Both Christmas concerts are whole school concerts and will take place in the theatre of Coleg Y cymoedd.  The entrance is in the first building on your right as you enter the college campus.  Please note the doors open at 1:45pm on Wednesday and 3:15pm on Thursday.  The children will be taken from school to the college for both performances but will need to be collected from the school to go home.


All children will be taken back to school to be changed after both performances.  Please pick up your child/children from their usual pick up point at school at 3:30pm on Wednesday and 4:45pm on Thursday.  Don't worry if you have more than one child, pick up the youngest first please.  


Please bring some change as we will have raffle tickets on sale for £1 a strip and some Christmas cushions, that our coffee morning crafters have made, at £3 for a small or £5 for large.
